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Query Merchant's Account Balance

This endpoint allows the merchant to check his/her account balance.To check account balance, the merchant must pass his/her merchant code as a query parameter.

Alt test Endpoint:****9

The following parameters are expected:

Request Parameters

AuthorizationHeaderBearer Auth over HTTPS, this is a base64 encoded string of an app's client ID and client secretAuthorization
MerchantCodeNumericA unique number used to identify a merchant/ organization registered with PostaPay.60***80
Request Sample
Headers Key: Authorization

Response Parameters

statusCodeNumericThis is a numeric status code that indicates the status of the response. 0 means success and any other code means an error occurred or the request failed.Please refer to the response codes table above.0
CurrencyCodeStringStandardization that defines alpha codes and numeric codes for the representation of currenciesKES
AccountsListList of merchant account labels and their balances.
Response Sample
"statusCode": "0",
"message": "Account Balances",
"data": {
"CurrencyCode": "KES",
"OrgAccountBalance": 1000.0,
"Accounts": [
"account_label": "Bulk Payment",
"account_balance": 0.0
"account_label": "Utility Account",
"account_balance": 0.0
"account_label": "Working Account",
"account_balance": 1000.0