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Customer to Business (C2B)

Merchants can request payment from a customer either using customer mobile number or PostaPay alias number.

Note: All collections/payment requests settle to Working Account Label.

Register C2B Confirmation Url

You need to register confirmation which is essential for the C2B transactions. When the payment is successful, a confirmation notification will be sent from PostaPay to the ConfirmationUrl set.

Alt test Endpoint:

Request Parameters

MerchantCodeStringA unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech, through which payment is received (can be Paybill or Till number)2****8
ConfirmationUrlURLThis is the call back url where the results will be sent once the payment request resolves.""
Request Body
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer cFJZcjZ6anEwaThMMXp6d1FEmWm9nMHFRR2xWOQ==
"MerchantCode": 2****8,
"ConfirmationUrl": "",

Response Parameters

statusCodeNumericThis is a numeric status code that indicates the status of the response. 0 means success and any other code means an error occurred or the request failed.Please refer to the response codes table above.0
detailStringA description of the response status sent by PostaPay API."Confirmation URL registered successfully"
Response Sample
"statusCode": "0",
"detail": "Confirmation Url registered successfully"

1. C2B Payment Request from PostaPay User

As a merchant you can request or recieve funds from PostaPay registered users.This request transaction occurs from the user's PostaPay wallet account to the merchant's account.

When requesting payment from a PostaPay user, following steps are involved:

1. Enter PostaPay registered mobile number with network code as 0.
2. Owner of the mobile number recieves One Time Password(OTP) to authorize the transaction.
3. Enter the OTP to process payment on the Process Payment endpoint discussed below.

Alt test Endpoint:

Request Parameters

MerchantCodeStringA unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech, through which payment is received (can be Paybill or Till number)2****8
NetworkCodeStringA unique five digit code used for identifying the various mobile money providers.0
PhoneNumberStringThis is the phone number identifying a customer who is making the payment.07********8
TransactionDescStringAdditional information/comment that can be sent along with the request from your system“Payment for shopping”
AccountReferenceAlpha-NumericThis is an identifier of the payment request transaction.07*******23452
CurrencyStringStandardization that defines alpha codes and numeric codes for the representation of currenciesKES
AmountNumericThe amount of money to be requested from the customer.50.00
Transaction FeeNumericAmount charged when processing0
CallBackURLURLThis is the URL where PostaPay will send the results after the payment process is completed. This is provided when creating the application.https://pos******f7-b813
Request sample
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer Q1k2RW5SOGlsYUZnRzNGMk1DNlE1T1gzemFtY
Body :
"MerchantCode": "9***0",
"NetworkCode": "0",
"PhoneNumber": "2547******280",
"TransactionDesc": "Pay for groceries",
"AccountReference": "07******0",
"Currency": "KES",
"Amount": 1,
"TransactionFee": 0,
"CallBackURL": "https://pos******f7-b813"

Response Parameters

statusBoolThis is a true or false status that indicates the status of the response. true means success and false means an error occurred or the request failed.Please refer to the response codes table above.true
detailStringA description of the response status sent by PostaPay API."OTP sent. Share the code to complete transaction"
PaymentGatewayStringService provider that authorizes payments processing“PostaPay”
MerchantRequestIDAlpha-NumericA unique identifier for a transaction between Merchant and PostaPay API."763df0f8-a815-40f5-b13f-cdb4632793e6"
CheckoutRequestIDAlpha-NumericA unique identifier of the transaction request"763df0f8-a815-40f5-b13f-cdb4632793e6"
ResponseCodeStringA code identifying the type of response sent. 0 eans success and any other code means the transaction failed.“0”
ResponseDescriptionStringDetails describing the response sent"Payment Request staged for processing successfully"
CustomerMessagestringThe message to show how the payment can be done manuallyGo to PostaPay App/USSD \n Select Paybill...
Response Sample
"status": true,
"detail": "OTP sent. Share the code to complete transaction",
"PaymentGateway": "PostaPay",
"MerchantRequestID": "07102440280",
"CheckoutRequestID": "b6cb451a-ef9f-443d-8e64-045c210131df",
"ResponseCode": "0",
"ResponseDescription": "Success. Request accepted for processing",

2. Process Payment

Use this endpoint if you made a C2B payment request from a PostaPay registered mobile number.This endpoint requires and OTP received when you initiated the request in order to process the transaction.

Alt test Endpoint:

MerchantCodeStringA unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech, through which payment is received (can be Paybill or Till number)60**80
CheckoutRequestIDAlpha-NumericA unique identifier of the transaction request.763df0f8-a815-40f5-b13f-cdb4632793e6
VerificationCodeStringThis is a 6 digit code sent to a mobile number making payment. This is the code the authorizes processing of the transaction.123456
Sample Request
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer Q1k2RW5SOGlsYUZnRzNGMk1DNlE1T1gzemFtY
"CheckoutRequestID": "5fb0db20-2550-4612-bb7d-71bf0a4e25f6",
"MerchantCode": "600980",
"VerificationCode": "525474"

Response Parameters

statusBoolThis is a true or false status that indicates the status of the response. true means success and false means an error occurred or the request failed.Please refer to the response codes table above.true
detailNumericThis is the message from the API describing the status of the transaction."Transaction submitted for processing"
Response Sample
"status": true,
"detail": "Transaction is being processed"

C2B Payment Request from Mobile Money

As as PostaPay merchant, you also able to request payments from None PostaPay users through M-PESA,Airtel Money and T-kash. Kindly note, when using this endpoint OTP is not sent instead, the owner of the mobile receives an STK prompt depending on the network code you entered.

Alt test Endpoint:

Request Parameters

MerchantCodeStringA unique number assigned to an organization/merchant registered with ViewTech, through which payment is received (can be Paybill or Till number)2****8
NetworkCodeStringA unique five digit code used for identifying the various mobile money providers.63902(MPesa) 63903(AirtelMoney) 63907(T-Kash)
PhoneNumberStringThis is the phone number identifying a customer who is making the payment.07********8
TransactionDescStringAdditional information/comment that can be sent along with the request from your system“Payment for shopping”
AccountReferenceAlpha-NumericThis is an identifier of the payment request transaction.07*******23452
CurrencyStringStandardization that defines alpha codes and numeric codes for the representation of currenciesKES
AmountNumericThe amount of money to be requested from the customer.50.00
Transaction FeeNumericAmount charged when processing0
CallBackURLURLThis is the URL where PostaPay will send the results after the payment process is completed. This is provided when creating the application.https://pos******f7-b813
Request sample
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer Q1k2RW5SOGlsYUZnRzNGMk1DNlE1T1gzemFtY
Body :
"MerchantCode": "9***0",
"NetworkCode": "63902",
"PhoneNumber": "2547******280",
"TransactionDesc": "Pay for groceries",
"AccountReference": "07******0",
"Currency": "KES",
"Amount": 1,
"TransactionFee": 0,
"CallBackURL": "https://pos******f7-b813"

Response Parameters

statusBoolThis is a true or false status that indicates the status of the response. true means success and false means an error occurred or the request failed.Please refer to the response codes table above.true
detailStringA description of the response status sent by PostaPay API."OTP sent. Share the code to complete transaction"
PaymentGatewayStringService provider that authorizes payments processing“PostaPay”
MerchantRequestIDAlpha-NumericA unique identifier for a transaction between Merchant and PostaPay API."763df0f8-a815-40f5-b13f-cdb4632793e6"
CheckoutRequestIDAlpha-NumericA unique identifier of the transaction request"763df0f8-a815-40f5-b13f-cdb4632793e6"
ResponseCodeStringA code identifying the type of response sent. 0 eans success and any other code means the transaction failed.“0”
ResponseDescriptionStringDetails describing the response sent"Payment Request staged for processing successfully"
CustomerMessagestringThe message to show how the payment can be done manuallyGo to PostaPay App/USSD \n Select Paybill...
Response Sample
"status": true,
"detail": "STK Push sent. Enter your PIN to complete transaction",
"PaymentGateway": "M-PESA",
"MerchantRequestID": "0***0280",
"CheckoutRequestID": "1251ce9d-8afc-4b41-a47b-a86e39ef1fa7",
"ResponseCode": "0",
"ResponseDescription": "Success. STK PUSH SENT",

C2B Callback Results

After the payment request is processed, the RESULTS are sent to the API which forwards these results to your system through the callback URL sent with the initial request.

Results Parameters

MerchantRequestIDDecimalThe unique id sent with the transaction request from the Merchant system"25*******77"
CustomerMobileStringThis mobile number from where the funds are requested"2547*******7"
ResultCodeNumericThe numeric status of the results, sent to the callback url0 means success, while any other code indicates that an error occurred. The specific error is describe in the ResultDesc field
ResultDescStringThis is a message from the API that gives the status of the request processing and usually maps to a specific result code value."Transaction processed successfully."
CheckoutRequestIDStringThis is a unique PostaPay transaction ID for every payment request. Same value is sent to the customer over SMS upon successful processing."6f3ebd0d-b892-4c4e-952a-f3eea030af85"
BillRefNumberJSON ObjectThis is a unique PostaPay transaction ID for every payment request. Same value is sent to the customer over SMS upon successful processing. It is usually returned under the ResultParameter array.PR52
TransAmountNumberThis is the amount that was transacted. It is usually returned under the ResultParameter array."10.00"
TransactionDateStringThis is the date and time that the transaction completed PostaPay."20220305103101"
ThirdPartyTransIDStringThis is the transaction refrence from third party systems PostaPay.
Result sample
"CustomerMobile" : "254703*****91",
"ResultCode" : 0,
"CheckoutRequestID" : "cdd0f4f1-04a5-479c-a15a-3408f0851cdc",
"MerchantRequestID" : "1102541",
"ThirdPartyTransID" : "",
"ResultDesc" : "Transaction processed successfully.",
"TransactionDate" : "20230227071516",
"TransAmount" : "10.00",
"BillRefNumber" : "1102541"

Instant Payment Notification (IPN)

Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a service that automatically notifies merchants when a transaction is resolved/processed by PostaPay. As a merchant, you can use IPN to automate back-office and administrative functions, including automatically fulfilling orders and providing customers with order status. PostaPay’s IPN is sent to the callback url you supplied when creating the application (either WaaS, or C2B, B2C, and B2B).

IPN Parameters

InvoiceNumberStringAn identifier of the transaction, usually sent to the customer’s mobile number."INV278RID6754"
PaymentMethodStringThe channel through which the payment was made."PostaPay"
TransIDAlpha-NumericThis is an object containing the details of the transaction."CDVISAIHD
FullNameStringThis is the Full Name of the customer making the payment, as per the PostaPay registration."John Kym Doe"
FirstNameStringThis is the First Name of the customer making the payment, as per the PostaPay registration“John”
MiddleNameAlphaNumericThis is the Middle Name of the customer making the payment, as per the PostaPay registration"Kym"
LastNameStringThis is the Last Name of the customer making the payment, as per the PostaPay registration.“Doe”
MSISDNNumericThis is the mobile number of the customer who was involved in the payment transaction.“07****8”
OrgAccountBalanceDecimalThe Amount of money available on the wallet for a specific MerchantCode176.00
TransAmountNumericThe amount of money transacted.350.00
TransactionTypeStringAn identifier of the type of transaction. It can be with C2B, B2B, B2C, or PostaPay Payment RequestC2B
TransTimeTimeThis is the Timestamp of the transaction."03/03/22 12:16 PM"
BillRefNumberAlphanumericThis is a unique transaction identifier which is sent with the request from the Merchant’s system."bfhte-2hgyt-7hgk-8jgur2-jgyt78"
"MerchantCode": "6****8",
"BusinessShortCode": "6****8",
"InvoiceNumber": "INV-278-RID-6754",
"PaymentMethod": "PostaPay",
"ThirdPartyTransID": "7***2",
"FullName": "John kym Doe",
"FirstName": "John",
"MiddleName": "kym",
"LastName": "Doe",
"TransactionType": "C2B",
"MSISDN": "2547*****5",
"OrgAccountBalance": "10.00",
"TransAmount": "10.00",
"TransTime": "03/03/22 12:16 PM",
"BillRefNumber": "bfhte-2hgyt-7hgk-8jgur2-jgyt78"